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The Point

Alexandra Hurt

The winds of change are upon me, shifting my ideas into a new trajectory. Ahead of me are visions of the future, sprinkled with hope and a healthy dose of "Wtf, how am I going to make this happen?"

2023 feels like a significant year, and it was born out of the January blues. I'd been searching for something new to stimulate my skill set, and have very recently acquired a new string to my wellness bow, acupuncture! With a career in spa spanning almost 25 years and a few continents, it’s about time that I sharpened the tools in my box and added a new skill.

Acupuncture magically materialised right in front of me whilst I was on a recruitment mission, and I've discovered that training in a completely new skill alongside some serious professionals was both inspiring and very intense. Auricular Acupuncture, ( acupuncture on the ear), is an incredibly precise skill which pins very specific points, and I've found that the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is wonderfully absorbing and a very different concept to that of Western medicine. Chinese medicine relates changes that manifest in the body to the whole person, interlinking symptoms and thinking, and brings the body and its systems into harmony through these acupuncture points. It’s not a fad, it’s not magic, and the power of its healing properties have stood the test of time over millennia.

My up skill is ongoing, and with case studies and ongoing research my plan is to become, in time, an expert. Offering auricular acupuncture within a spa environment will enable me to help more people, and to use a set of very particular skills that I possess. I feel excited and renewed, and I'm operating out of my comfort zone.

Watch this space!

In an industry that seems to be diminishing in supply but surging in demand, the world of spa is starved of therapists, and as the country wakes up from its Covid sleep, we need to find more of them.

Like many industries, the spa workforce no longer wants to work unsociable hours or is willing to work for a lesser wage, and in the face of rising costs we are facing a decrease in the number of therapists that are able to provide the treatments that are so highly in demand.

Wellbeing, and health and wellness in general now take a front seat, with mental health in pole position, and with the NHS unable to keep up with demand it seems impossible to even get an appointment with your doctor, let alone get the treatment you might need within a realistic time frame.

So now is the time to invest in your wellness, before illness takes that choice away. In a country with ridiculous waiting times, alternative healthcare is becoming a more accessible go-to for our health issues. Blending wellness with traditional medicines is hardly a groundbreaking concept, but I for one had not realised that it was possible to upgrade my own skill set as a therapist and study acupuncture.

By offering alternative healthcare we can help to keep people well, and help them to look at their health differently. Not only will this provide more options for us all, but will give beauty therapists the option to up skill and practice auricular acupuncture.

Mind officially blown!

This year has utterly changed the way I look at things. Having been single for so many years, finally blending my life with another's has created and inspired new possibilities. Having a partner makes new adventures possible, and dreams seem like they could, in fact become a reality.

How many of us get stuck in the status quo, involved in our routines and cycles, almost afraid ( whilst not admitting it) to dip our toes into something new?

Personal growth truly sits outside of our comfort zone, which is a warm and comfortable place where you know exactly what’s going to happen and can possibly lead to complacency, but the rush of trying something new will throw some completely different perspectives and shapes into your life.

When is the last time you did something for the first time? My partner is all about being active, he loves being outdoors, it makes him feel good. For years he’s been participating in races, marathons, and obstacle courses. There’s no ego involved, just some friendly competitiveness.

Now, I'm a girl that loves the outdoors, happiest in a field or a forest, but the thought of a marathon, race or obstacle course conjures up egotistical ‘look at me’ fitness freaks! Being a big girl, ( there I said it), my own insecurities have prevented me in the past from having the confidence to participate in many activities, and even attending one of these events as a spectator felt out of my remit, but last week I arrived as a spectator at ‘Nuclear Races’, and found that I couldn’t stop smiling! My partner was participating, as he does every year, in the 12k obstacle course. The vibe we encountered on our 8.30am Saturday morning arrival (and by the way, who even am I up and out at this time on a Saturday?), was electric. This field was buzzing, full of people in search of some FUN! The farm was a playground for both adults and children of every imaginable shape and size, with a heavy dose of fun, grit and determination thrown in for good measure.

The music was going off as the PT’s were up on the stage raising the energy, warming each wave of participants up before their race. The sense of excitement, anticipation and motivation was palpable. Having never been here before, I had no idea what to expect. It took 2-3 hours for most participants to get around the course, and apart from the giant tv screen of the death slide, there wasn’t a huge amount for me to see of the actual course and the race. However...the event village itself at the starting point was awesome for food, coffees! There was a steady long line for the Nuclear Races merchandise, and everyone there just seemed to love the brand and what it represented! Lots to see, just not a lot of obstacle race action at 8.40am!

I went off to grab a coffee and have a look around the very thoughtfully constructed starting point; I met some really lovely people, everyone was so friendly and approachable, not one ounce of the ego I'd imagined would be in evidence. The place was full of what seemed  to be really positive, motivated people who loved being outside and feeling good. It was almost like a festival without that party 'let’s get messed up' vibe!

After I'd caffeinated, and had a great chat with a sports massage therapist called Anthony, I spied in the distance a tractor pulling a cage. It dawned on me at that moment that I could jump aboard and it would take me down to the obstacle courses so that I could see for myself what was going on.

It proved to be a bumpy and muddy ride, and I loved it! The friends and family of the participants were off to support their loved ones... and I was going to try and find mine. I didn’t actually find him, but I couldn’t stop smiling as I watched these participants battle it out in the water, in the mud, on bouncy hoppers, covered in bubbles and soaking wet. I was smiling from ear to ear, in such a supportive fun environment. How on earth am I 43 years old and I've never been to one of these events before i asked myself?

I headed back onto the tractor cage, grabbed a 99 ice cream, ( no longer 99p but £5 by the way), and watched, as the finisher to the race, both adults and children running up a conveyor belt that was moving in the wrong direction up a hill; it was hysterical, and horrifyingly embarrassing for all that took a million attempts to do it. 

It’s official... I love Nuclear Races.

In a concerted effort to raise my fitness levels, I’ve been working out with Joe Wicks every morning. What a nice bloke he is! Apart from when I want to punch him in the face for making me do the fat version of burpees. I can’t tell you how much better I feel for it, more energy and more motivation. I pant slightly less when walking up hills now... although I must admit that it’s going to be a process.

I’m being moved along these days, and I’m exploring different things and realising that saying ‘ yes’ and re assessing my options brings about the most positive changes. Having someone else in your life can certainly open up new opportunities, but so can making new friends, or indeed reading new books, blogs or listening to podcasts.

Is it time for you to make some changes? Is there a dream that you have that’s not getting any closer? Could you try something new that you would have never considered before? Anxiety warriors, can find these ideas quite overwhelming, but when you’re ready to make some changes the confidence gained and enjoyment experienced makes it all absolutely worth it.

Spending time outdoors is medicine for your soul. No matter your fitness levels, I encourage you to spend time, now spring has sprung, find your happy place... and breathe in that air.

Ps- I absolutely could have worn pink tights to Nuclear Races.


תגובה אחת

Kelly Doyle
Kelly Doyle
22 במאי 2023

How exciting and what a beautiful breath of fresh air you roll out. I love it.. xxxx


© Alexandra Hurt

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